Rate the Audiophile Publications

What's your experience with recommended (or trashed)systems in the audiophile publications (Stereophile, Absolute Sound, What Hi Fi...)? I just read a nice thread by Trgi@flash.net (gregg) asking about the highly rated BEL 1001 and he got a couple of negative replies. That got me to thinking -- which magazines (paper or online) are trustworthy according to fellow audiogoners? Any opinions or experiences? Everyone has a different ear, but are there obvious omissions or differences of experience? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by duckboy

I like Listener and Hi-Fi Choice the best I think they have fun and I think they are not as pompous as HP from abso!ute sound. I like writers who can hear other sides to the way other may hear them and different equipment can be used with that piece. It's not all a straight line folks! Otherwise we would all be there by now! There are no perfect pieces of equipment out there! I want writers who know that and know they are not experts, like Art Dudley. Good Guy!