Rare NEC speakers?

I was clearing out a house when I found a pair of NEC speakers.
I searched them up thinking I would find something and get a price for them but I found nothing.
If anyone knows about these please let me know.

Model: S111E
Type: (SA)
8 ohms
Made in japan
Serial No. 2280099
Not relevant information about your speaker, but I sold NEC powered subs at a shop during the 80s. I don’t remember the model number, but the specs and price of the SW 300 mentioned in other threads was about right (12” driver $320). I had kind of a thing for taking the customer who was looking at some badly built, bass heavy floor standers (Fishers or house brand of that period, etc) and introduce them to an inexpensive quality bookshelf, say the EPI 100, AR 18/28, Design Acoustics PS 8/10, etc. - paired with this sub. You could get a much higher quality treble and midrange (and imaging) and dial in as much bass as they wanted or thought they needed.I would also plant some seeds in the demo and subsequent contacts for backing the bass of the sub to barely perceptible, in terms of overall quality. My thinking was you could never get the sonic qualities of those stoutly built little cabinets and decent drivers of the bookshelves in the big but crappy floorstanders. Sure these customers often had the bass turned up initially, but I had several of these guys become loyal customers who over time went for a balanced sound as they matured. The NEC subs themselves were OK quality sound wise (not compared to today’s stuff) and held together well in my memory. The customers often went on to quality floor standers and put those bookshelf speakers in their secondary systems or built systems around them for their kids.
I didn't know NEC made speakers. Thanks for the info. Are they any good and how big are they?