Rank the top reference DACs you've heard

Usually the battle goes between DCS Vivaldi set and MSB Select II.

However, since Swiss/Japanese (boutique level) DACs are usually out of reach, we rarely read about ultra high end DACs and where they fit with the rest of the league ($5000-$100,000) price range. 

There are other topologies and SOTA designs floating around, what comes to mind:
- new DCS (above Vivaldi) flagship to be announced
- Wadax Atlantis Reference
- Esoteric Grandioso D1X (Dual Mono)
- TotalDAC Twelve Mk2
- Lampizator Golden Gate 2
- Chord Dave+mscaler
- CH Precision C1+X1 (Dual Mono) 
- Soulution 760
- Aries Cerat Kassandra Ref
- Aqua La Scala mkII Optologic
- EMM Labs DV2/DA2

I mentioned flagship DACs only since the list will be bigger and we will lose focus of the subject. It is interesting to know some of us "lurkers" or who has reached audio nirvana with his choice of DAC and what did he it compare with. The more input we get, the clearer the big picture will be. 

Let's go!

Showing 2 responses by thyname

Esoteric N-01XD. Streamer built in

As a side note, if your “system” is comprised of cheap DIY speakers, and “adequate” amplification, and stock cables, then all these DACs are snake oil, as all DACs sound the same. Heck, someone at the famous ASR forums of Amir told me a DAC is not even part of audio chain, just simply part of electric transmission, whatever that means. This was also widely “proven” by the Null Tester magic device invented by the famed audio guru Ethan Winer. Which in many people’s opinions is THE man (the legend, the myth, etc. etc.)
Yes. If it’s in the Internet, it is definitely true. Especially if “backed” by “solid” scientific evidence like graphs and “measurements”