Raidho speakers..any interest ??

Was curious what speakers people have listened to in the raidho family and what electronics powered them. 

Showing 2 responses by xti16

I have D2.1's driven by an Aavik U300. Before I had the U300 I had D2's powered by an Octave V110 integrated tube amp. The Octave was really good until you pushed it. The lows just fell apart. Then I got the Aavik.

@cronoglidesky As far as the U300 turning the volume quite high that is a design feature per Mike and Lars. I asked them about that and they wanted to make sure some with extra high efficient speakers would have some volume control. When you push the volume way up the power goes very high quite quickly. BTW congrats on the D4.1's. IMO they are better than D5's but not the D5.1's with the exception of scaling. The U300 should be just fine. I was at my local dealer and we went from the U300 with the 4.1's and switched to the pre and monos. WOW!!! Who knew an amp could sound so good LOL. /s

Last if you have any non DTC cables Ansuz should be releasing their new Version 2 cables very soon. Lars replaced my original Ceramic PC with an Aluminum V2 in my home and the A2 just killed it. Then he put in the C2. Much better yet. These were prototypes and he didn't have the D2 yet. But rest assured they aren't touching the DTC (yet)?? They to me sound warmer and more open than the originals. I too have a DTC PC feeding the MainzD8 and a DTC digital with power box. The DTC just wipes out so much floor noise. Who knew wire could sound so good LOL. /s
@kin Funny you mention diamond feet. I was never a believer until my local dealer brought over a pair of D2.1’s w/diamond feet for me to demo and break in. I currently had D2’s. After a couple of weeks I asked him to bring over the standard feet and it turned out he needed them for another customer. I could not believe how much clarity and sound stage was lost. Needless to say I had him order another pair for once I decided to keep them and let the D2’s go.