I tend to agree, it is quite often that a discussion involving Magico turns into mudslinging, but it is hard to keep an honest conversation going when so many posts and opinions about Magico are fabricated out of thin air. Take for example your post, you choose to write Âthe dealer carries Magico speakers for a long time when, apparently, this dealer was never a dealer. Or how about Dracule1 here, claiming that he Âknow a dealer in US who carries both Magico and Raidho where it looks to me that there are no such dealers in existence (I would like to hear both product at the same room, so I am looking ). I am not sure why so many audiophiles insist of comparing (more like fantasizing) whatever product they seem to like to Magico. Blaming Magico, or its dealers for Âaggressively advertising is a bit ironic, when it was you who actually brought the Magico brand in to the conversation.
I tend to agree, it is quite often that a discussion involving Magico turns into mudslinging, but it is hard to keep an honest conversation going when so many posts and opinions about Magico are fabricated out of thin air. Take for example your post, you choose to write Âthe dealer carries Magico speakers for a long time when, apparently, this dealer was never a dealer. Or how about Dracule1 here, claiming that he Âknow a dealer in US who carries both Magico and Raidho where it looks to me that there are no such dealers in existence (I would like to hear both product at the same room, so I am looking ). I am not sure why so many audiophiles insist of comparing (more like fantasizing) whatever product they seem to like to Magico. Blaming Magico, or its dealers for Âaggressively advertising is a bit ironic, when it was you who actually brought the Magico brand in to the conversation.