Raidho C1.1

Anyone get a chance to hear these speakers?
>>much better than the Magico Q1, don't you agree?

Of course, what isn't?? And yet, all is constantly compared to them... How odd, after all they are god-awful (:
I would certainly try to compare them directly to the Q1. The are less expensive, may have different power requirements and they have a different aesthetic. I'm sure they sound quite different. If I were in the market, I would also compare them to a used pair of Mini 2s for even less money.
We all know that the reason Magico gets so much hype is because they have a certain reviewer in their corner (more likely their pocket). Get real and go listen to both of them yourself to make a judgement. Assuming everything is hooked up and grounded properly, you're not going to do better for the price range or sound quality than a C1.1.
Magico must have deep pockets. Keeping lots of reviewers on the payroll. Even JA was finally recruited.