R.I.P: Rest In Peace Roy Johnson, Green Mountain Audio's Genius


It is with heavy heart that I bring to you the heart breaking news of the passing of one of audio's true geniuses. Roy Johnson passed away this week after a long battle with cancer. He was a truly brilliant speaker designer, and true friend, and an amazing person. For those of us lucky to have known him as customers or friends we know he was infinitely committed to lending a hand, imparting his wisdom, solving problems and creating some of the most amazing loud speakers ever heard.  There were often gremlins in my system not centered around his loudspeakers and Roy would literally drop everything and help me trace down problems, while all the time educating and teaching me, not for gain, not for money, but because that's who Roy Johnson was. 

He will be greatly missed for his humor, his dedication, and his selflessness in audio and in life.

Rest in Peace Dear Friend,

You Are Loved

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I was saddened to hear the news of Roy's passing.  As everyone who has spoken with Roy as commented, he was very generous with his time and loved to discuss the physics behind why speakers behaved the way they do. I got to know Roy back around 2000. I was on a business trip to the Philadelphia area and stopped in an audio dealer to listen to a Plinius amp. It happened to be hooked up to a pair of Green Mountain Imago IV speakers. I ended up buying the speakers and calling Green Mountain for advice on installation and met Roy. We had many conversations over the years and I had the great pleasure to visit Roy in Colorado Springs.
   I ended up buying a pair of Europas...then a pair of C-3s, then the matching Vortex center channel and then a pair of his SW15 subs. Later on when came up with his HX crossover breakthrough I bought the upgrade parts for the C-3s and Roy sent me very detailed directions on how to perform the upgrade. That was a fun project with very worthwhile results...  I have become very attuned to the benefits of Roy's phase and time coherent design principles. To this day my main system, which is a hybrid 2 channel/ surround system has Roy's C-3 HX, Vortex C-3 center channel, Europa speaker for surround.  I have listened to many systems including all the systems at RMAF 2018, but I have not yet been lured away from Roy's designs. I will miss our conversations. I know he struggled with cancer over the years and always wished he had greater business success.