"White noise" in speakers. Tubes?

I recently bought a Audio Research REF 1 tube preamp. I notice "white noise" (low level constant static) emanating from both speakers, with a bit more prevalence on the left speaker. The seller indicated that the tubes were around one year old. Could this noise be from the tubes (6922's) needing to be replaced? Have any of you experienced this before? Associated equip: Plinius SA100MKIII amp, Meridian 508.24 CDP and Dynaudio Contour 3.3 speakers. Cables: NBS Monitor I XLR interconnects, and NBS Monitor III speaker cable. Cords: Shunyata Vipors (CDP and Preamp) and Black Mamba (amp) into Richard Grey's Power Plant

Showing 1 response by south43

Hi Rosstaman Yeah I think it might be a gassy tube. I am hearing the same as you only it's only comming from the right spkr. The only thing I can suggest is to change your 6922's. My disadvantage is that I have a tube pre and amp, so I have two units that might be at fault. Won't give up my tubes however-love the sound! Best of luck