"Warm" CD player...on a budget.

I can't take it anymore. My CDs sound way too harsh with my Pioneer DV-343 DVD player serving as a transport and my Denon 5800 serving as the DAC. I need something that sounds warm and smooth, but I don't think I can afford to spend more than $500. I've been eyeing the Cambridge Audio D300SE and D500SE models, but won't really have an opportunity to listen to them prior to purchase due to the lack of a local dealer. I've also heard that an Ah! Toejb player can really sing, but I'm nervous about getting anything that has tubes that might or might not need to be replaced in the future.

Who wants to point me in the path of CD righteousness, keeping the budget in mind?

Showing 1 response by drrasta

I bought a Cambridge Audio CD 500 for an old friend last Christmas. Also gave him an Anthem Pre1/Amp set-up with NOS tubes. We hooked that to a pair of Solililoquy 5.0 speakers. I hadn't heard the system until just now as he lives on the opposite coast. I was very surprised on how great that sounded. Very dynamic and lots of bass from those little Soliloquy's. Vocals were superb. The Cambridge Audio is a great player, but to get warmer sound you may need a tubed preamp at least.