"Warm" CD player...on a budget.

I can't take it anymore. My CDs sound way too harsh with my Pioneer DV-343 DVD player serving as a transport and my Denon 5800 serving as the DAC. I need something that sounds warm and smooth, but I don't think I can afford to spend more than $500. I've been eyeing the Cambridge Audio D300SE and D500SE models, but won't really have an opportunity to listen to them prior to purchase due to the lack of a local dealer. I've also heard that an Ah! Toejb player can really sing, but I'm nervous about getting anything that has tubes that might or might not need to be replaced in the future.

Who wants to point me in the path of CD righteousness, keeping the budget in mind?

Showing 1 response by bradz

I too vote for a tubed dac, such as the Cal Sigma. From what I remember reading at one time, the older Sigmas sound a bit warmer compared to the more current II's. Right now, I'm using a Sony 7700 dvd with a Cal Sigma II 24/96 with Mullard 4004 nos 12ax7 and wouldn't listen to music and video without it.I bought my Sigma for around $450. and don't regret it one bit. My system was too revealing and I wanted to smooth out the digital grudge so,I bought the tubed Cal and have been happy ever since. Remember you can always "tube roll" and tailor the sound to your tastes. Good luck and keep us posted.