"upgrade" from Cary SLI 80 F1 edition

I've got before very good advice from this forum, so I'll post another question now:
I've got for the past 6 month or so a Cary SLI 80 F1 edition, and I've done some tube rolling , but so far I still think there is something "missing". The sound-stage is quite small and the details are sort of missing sometimes.

I guess I am ready to look for something else, so what else can I get for around 2k that sounds "better" than what I have now. I am looking only at integrated tube amps, but maybe I can be convinced to go separates:)

Thanks a lot for your time and suggestions!
Just find a local tech to switch the caps. It's not a big deal. Just order the caps from Chris and take the unit to a local tech that can solder and you will be good to go!
It's really a very simple mod, but with big time results.
I'd also look towards changing out the 6550 tubes in favor of a quad of EL34. In my opinion, the EL34 really walks away from 6550, KT88, and KT90 variants in terms of musicality and that flesh and blood sense of being alive. The amp might really spring to life, presuming the change can be made, and you get the bias settings correct for the EL34.
Call Steve Deckard at Decware Audio. I was in your position a few years ago. Cary Audio is very commercial. Decware has great products.
I agree with Trelja, try EL 34 power tubes. The Electro Harmonics EL34 is a great tube in that amp with a good top end, great mids, and really opens up the soundstage. You lose a bit of the bass slam, but make up for it with a wonderful full midrange and great highs. After that you can fine tune the 6sn7 and 6922 positions.
sli 80 is slow, overly romantic and lacks dynamics as well with kt 88 and el 34. try the Chinese KT66 and rebias between 50 and 60 ma. you'll be imazed how open up the sli 80 will be.