"This Latest Digital Amp Is Great "

I see this so often. I wish it would happen.
I really think the builders of these amps shoot themselves in the foot, by rushing to market.
How many of these "Last Word In Digital" amps come out, get great press, then start down the modkateer path for hundreds of dollars in improvements.
These things are supposed to be simpler, sound as good or better than all the best analog amps, and be cheaper.
It hasn't happenned!
I understand the concept of building to a price point.
I don't think anyone has come close, except PS Audio, with the HCA-2. They are a bargain here used, in my opinion.
All the rest are overpriced.
I'm still waiting. It'll finally cool off here in Phoenix soon, and my Cary CAD 300 SEI will glow & those 15 watts of 300B will still rule my audio world.

Showing 5 responses by boa2

I don't disagree with your points. My question is: why was this thread necessary? It comes off as instigating a conversation destined to turn confrontational and demeaning. And so it went.
I've owned the Acoustic Reality, with the ICE module. It sounded good to me, but I hated that ridiculous triangle where all cables were stuffed.
I auditioned an Adcom HCA-2, it definitely seemed much more polished of a design than the A.R.....

So you actually liked the amps? And yet, you initiate a thread in order to dismiss an entire sector without having heard most of its product offerings? This is a most disingenuous thread, Danielk141. As well, you could have easily predicted that it would become a discussion in which its proponents would also be trashed. And for what purpose?

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big SET fan myself. Love the 300B amps. MOSFETs, too. I've heard two digital setups myself, including Muralman1's. While they are not my cup 'o tea, I can certainly understand that others would find them to be the end all. They reproduce music in a way that SS and tubes don't IMO, and isn't that enough of a foundation to respect a difference of opinion? In my view, it certainly is. I still don't get it. You LIKED the two amps that you heard!

Honest1, you may not know but the Audio Aero Capitole was used in over half of the rooms at CES. So clearly, whatever hype might have existed has translated into a concrete presence in the marketplace. However, what concerns me further in your post--Honest1?--is your dishonest allusion to a one-man hype show regarding the H20 amps, which is an obvious invitation to gang up on Muralman1. Witness the subsequent posts. Yes, I happen to know Muralman1, personally, if you want to call that a disclaimer. Yes, I've read all of his posts on the H20. No, I don't agree with his conclusions about the H20. But if someone is happy with his/her system, what business is it of mine to tell them that they shouldn't be? Even more important, I have yet to see cause for anyone here to pummel any member of this community as though you have located the punk on the playground. In my view, this thread is merely inciteful, and apologies are in order.
Daniel141K, Thanks for the additional comments. If you're a 300B (or SET, in general) lover, the digital stuff may/may not be for you, but it's definitely worth a listen, IMO. I really like the H20 amps, personally. While they won't likely end up as part of our mini arsenal of audio schtuff, they do sound fantastic. Again, just my opinion.
Boa, thanks for the visit yesterday. I happen to have liked your Klipsch/SET past systems. I look forward to hearing the big ones. I think the sound is engaging in a romantic sense. However, based on what you wrote here (I SAID: No, I don't agree with his conclusions about the H20), and what you told me (I SAID: that I suspect the sound will improve with a better front end and the forthcoming H20 preamps), I have to just shrug, mystified at just what your system goals are

What are you saying/asking, Vince? Are you implying that I am mucking around in a realm that makes no sense because I prefer your system to mine? I don't know if that is what you are suggesting, as your comments are cryptic, and perhaps off topic. If you need to have this conversation privately, write or call me. But if you're asking whether or not I prefer your system to mine, the answer is no. If you would like further clarification publicly or privately, again, just contact me directly, or ask me here.

My posts above were meant to allay a personal attack on you for your comments about the H20 amps, in the hopes that we could have a civil and respectful discussion about the issue. That's all.

I took it as, "My luck, the only guy who has heard my system, and it's my only thumbs down."
Not at all, Vince. I think the synergy you have between the amps and speakers is stellar, and that the changes you have planned will only move things more in the direction of your goals.

Sorry if I misunderstood your post. As you should know (I hope), I've always enjoyed your company as well. You were the first in person connection I made with this community. And it opened the door to a number of other local audiophiles, all of whom make up a great group of people. I apologize if I derailed the discussion at all. If I could put my stamp on it, I'll say that in my opinion the digital amps are here to stay.