"romantic" sounding cabling

Hi folks, it is probably a contradictio in terminis thing in audio, but I'm looking for audio cables (interconnects, power cords) that have a touch of romantic flavour to their sound, that means a bit soft and elegant character, somewhat subdued (not edgy) highs, but with excellent resolution and good imaging (not diffuse). They should not be the über expensive cables like Purist Audio Dominus or Nordost Valhalla. Could Kubala-Sosna Emotion be a contender? Thank you in advance.


Showing 2 responses by jc51373

I agree, Heimdall are to me the best of the newer Nordost. Very neutral and proper presentation of the music. I have listened to all in this line, Tyr, Valhalla, Frey etc..Didn't like any of the other ones except for Frey, but they don't reprsent the value of Heimdall.

If it is romance you are looking for though, like someone mentioned earlier, tubes will satisfy that very well. When I first got into this hobby I would never have considered tubes. 10 years later, it is all I can sit in front of. All of it connected with Heimdall with much satisfaction.
"n my mind, richness implies a loss of resolution. i don't see how you can increase resolution and have richness at the same time."

with a cable I don't think you can...Add tubes to the mixture and you can.