"romantic" sounding cabling

Hi folks, it is probably a contradictio in terminis thing in audio, but I'm looking for audio cables (interconnects, power cords) that have a touch of romantic flavour to their sound, that means a bit soft and elegant character, somewhat subdued (not edgy) highs, but with excellent resolution and good imaging (not diffuse). They should not be the über expensive cables like Purist Audio Dominus or Nordost Valhalla. Could Kubala-Sosna Emotion be a contender? Thank you in advance.


Showing 2 responses by dazzdax

I've heard that Yamamura cables have a quite "soft" and romantic sound, emphasizing the midrange a bit. Does any of you know this cable? Maybe are cables that use natural materials, like cotton, paper + laquer, silk, etc. are more sweet sounding in general. Could a power cord also make a sytem sounding "soft", sweet and elegant? I prefer these characteristics more than muscular dynamics. I don't like a too "black" background either: this way music sounds dead.

Maybe this would help:

System: Accuphase digital front end
Accuphase preamp + Tamradio iso tranformer
Acoustic Reality eAR Figaro ICEpower amps
Dunlavy SC-V speakers
Pure Note Paragon Enhanced RCA (phono)
Wireworld Gold Eclipse XLR
Cardas Golden Reference speaker cable
Essential Sound Products The Essence Ref pc
+ Lavardin pc for digital

Sensitivity Dunlavy speakers: 91dB/W/1m

Until now I haven't heard SET's with my speakers. Maybe I would try Sun Audio push-pull 20W tube amps.
PS: I replaced the Pure Note Paragon Enhance XLR between the pre and poweramps with el cheapo RCA interconnects and the sound improves! There is more presence (midrange), soundstage appears less further away. Of course the pure silver Pure Notes are more refined, but are a bit "mechanical" in character and more laid back in sound. I would like to have cables that are combining the characteristics of the two forementioned cables. To what extent can a power cord alter/reshape the sound of an high end system?
