"Peaking" on a Marantz SR8001

Hi Folks,
I'm a realatively newcomer to nicer audio. I've had a Marantz SR8001 tuner for about 2 years now. I've had trouble with it "peaking" then shutting down, but only when playing music CDs through my Toshiba HD-DVD player. It's been to a Marantz service department 3 times now, and after it's last trip, the problem seemed to be fixed.

I just purchased a brand new Rotel 1072 CD player and upon hooking it up analog, every disc I play, the "peak" light comes on. So I hit the attenuation button on the Marantz remote, and the "peak" light goes away. Of course my sound quality seems to diminish.

It's a simple hookup...plug the Rotel power cord into the wall, plug the red and white cables into the back of the reciever.

It doesn't seem to matter what kind of music I play, and at what volume. Every disc "peaks."

What am I doing wrong?

try removing the red/white analog cables and using a digital cable from the cdp to the receiver (either coax or optical) and see what happens.
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