"oldskool" tonearms

Hi folks, why do many audiophiles who own analog set ups love "oldskool" tonearms, like the SME 3010 or 3012, the Micro Seiki 282, Audiocraft, Toho, Koshin, AR and Hadcock? Are these tonearms better than most of the contemporary siblings? Do these audiophiles like them because of their (oldfashioned) sound? Or because the fact that they are very difficult to get nowardays?

Showing 1 response by dougdeacon


I only own one vintage arm (HK/Rabco ST-8, which hardly qualifies as high performance) so I didn't read this thread until today.

Just wanted to thank you (and Thom too) for a really valuable and informative post. Great info. Also excellent reasoning about "why" vintage Japanese arm makers worked so hard to excel. Competition brings the best ideas to the top.

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