"Newbi" Hanging Book Shelf Speaker Recommendation

"Newbi Here" Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone out there can help me with some recommendations on some Book Shelf Speakers? I am setting up a Hair Work Studio, and trying to bring me and my clients the most pleasant sound possible. On a small budget. The Pre-Amp i am using is a Adcom GFP 565 with Two Rotel RB 980BX, I am also using Transparent Interconects and thinking about going with Transparent Inwall Cable. The Space will be about 800 to 1200 sqr ft.
I THANK YOU ALL, ahead of time for Recommendations and Feedback.
The nicest sounding I have heard and bought for a friend were the sonus faber. About $500 new and I can't remember the model number. But do remember the speakers.
For wall mounted speakers, I would look to the new NHT Classic Absolute Zero or Classic 2 monitors or the NHT SB1 or SB2 monitors, if you can still find them They are acoustic suspension/ sealed box design and excel in near rear wall and wall mounted placements. Their sound is musical, yet detailed and nuanced. They sound great with all styles of music and are not fussy with the components that they are paired with. They are finished in a very appealing piano high gloss black, which would probably look very well in your shop.

If the NHT's are too expensive, take a look at Polk RTi4. The one commercial soundsystem that I remember as being the most enjoyable was in an open air bar/restaurant in Aruba. System was made up of Denon receivers; wall mounted Polk speakers; and SONY carousel CD changers. Super, super sound.

Regards, Rich
I'm impressed that you have such nice equipment in a hair salon. I'm sure your clients will appreciate having nice music while getting their heads mowed. Heheh.

NHTs are always a good bet in my view. I'm still using little 11 year old NHT SuperZeros and like them a lot. Another speaker I'd consider is the Anthony Gallo Micro. I know, it sounds like they were grown on a vineyard. But have a look:


Good luck!