"Light Loading" Amps - Music Refence and others...

On another thread, a discussion started regarding light loading amplifiers. Since it was a discussion on Vandersteen speakers, I thought it merited an new thread, especially since there is some difference of opinion.

The principle of light loading was prposed by Roger Modjeski of Music Reference.

He said (with reference to his RM10, but applicable to all his amps):

"The amplifier is flat within 0.1dB and has low distortion of 0.3% when played below clipping on average level material. At the recommended bias current of 30mA/pair, the idling dissipation is nine watts or 75% of the tubes' rating. I estimate tube life to be 5,000 to 10,000 hours. Although higher idling currents will reduce distortion, it can also be reduced by light loading. Basically, light loading reduces the output current demand on the output tubes, allowing them to be more linear. It also reduces noise, raises damping factor, reduces distortion by 78% and allows for 80% more peak current when needed. The only loss is about 20% of the power rating or 1dB." Light loading means connecting the speaker on the tap that's one half its nominal impedance rating (i.e. the 4-ohm tap for 8-ohm speakers). For 4-ohm speakers, the he recommends running two RM-10s bridged to 70-watt monoblocks.

In the aforementioned thread, Ralph Karsten of Atma-sphere said:

"If you use the 4 ohm tap on an amplifier with a speaker of higher impedance, the output transformer will be inadequately loaded, and so it will express less of its winding ratio and more of its inter-winding capacitance. This can result in the amplifier no longer having flat frequency response. In addition, the transformer can 'ring' if inadequately loaded, which is another way of saying that it will distort.

The Merlin is an 8 ohm load, with a dip to 6 ohms or so. Its a benign load and an amplifier with an output transformer, if the transformer is designed properly, will likely work best on the 8 ohm tap. This will minimize the artifact of the transformer."

Two views. And different views from listeners, somew thinking light loading works magic, other saying differently.

What do you think of the priciple. The two technical arguments? Your experiences with light loading?

Showing 3 responses by almarg

Roger Modjeski: The only loss (from light loading) is about 20% of the power rating or 1dB.
Hi Paul,

As we had discussed some time ago, this statement by Roger strikes me as incorrect for most amplifier designs. I have no way of knowing how correct it may be for his own designs.

In general, connecting an 8 ohm load to the 4 ohm taps of an amplifier may reduce maximum power capability by up to 50%, compared to what can be delivered into the same 8 ohm load connected to the 8 ohm taps, and compared to what can be delivered into a 4 ohm load connected to the 4 ohm taps.

A loss of about 50% will occur in cases where maximum power delivery into a 4 ohm load connected to the 4 ohm tap is limited by voltage swing capability, and where the design is such that the voltage swing capability on that tap does not increase significantly as a result of the 8 ohm light loading.

Concerning your basic question, all of Ralph's comments make complete sense to me, and I would expect them to be true. However I would imagine that in some cases, presumably including Roger's designs, the transformer may be over-designed (or designed with the possibility of light-loading specifically in mind) such that the concerns Ralph raised would not have too much quantitative significance, and/or may be outweighed by the benefits Roger enumerated.

I third Viridian's excellent comments about speaker impedance swings, and about the need to try both connections and see what sounds best.
Your experiences with light loading?
FWIW, my speakers are very close to 6 ohms throughout almost all of the spectrum, rising to around 10 ohms at deep bass frequencies. I tried both taps on my amp, and settled on the 4 ohm tap, although the difference was surprisingly small.

Best regards,
-- Al
Michael (Swampwalker), the "1" and "2" suffixes are applicable to tube amps only. "1" indicates that the grids of the output tubes are always negative. "2" indicates that they can go slightly positive, causing grid current to flow. That in turn results in some increase in output power capability, at the expense of an increase in distortion.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Ralph,

Based on a quick look at the schematics at HHScott.com, it appears that the only Scott amps that used 6BQ5's were the 222A and 222B integrateds. The 222C and 222D used the generally similar 7189, as did the 299A and 299B integrateds.

This link for the 222B indicates a continous power rating of 13W/channel.

I have some older literature which indicates that the 222C, using the 7189, was rated at 24W/channel, "per the IHFM Standard." Not sure if it would rate that high under today's standards. Also, according to my tube manual the 7189 appears to be rated for significantly higher plate and screen voltages than the 6BQ5.

Best regards,
-- Al