" Great Jazz Clint "

I am a liberal, a John Kennedy liberal. I was in Grant Park for 3 days in 1968... still wondering if I was protesting the war or scoring drugs and chicks. I've used the phrase "empty chair" as an analogy or metaphor for half my life...so when Clint Eastwood used the chair Thursday night, I got it and wasn't shocked. What does shock me is the phony Hollywood liberals that don't know what their doing. It's all about ticket sales. Young people buy most of the movie and concert tickets... so Hollywood liberals have to come off liberal, to remain a star. Their mangers tell them to act that way or become a bum in the park. Their all phonies and " Eastwood was right on "

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I discovered that all political coverage on tv improves if you turn down the sound and listen to Stan Getz on your headphones while you watch the tv screen.