"Breathing" of the air

Hi folks, I would like to ask you the following. With some audiophile set ups I'm able to hear what I call "breathing" of the air, as if the air surrounding voices and instruments is a living entity, as if one is capable of hearing individual air molecules, if you know what I mean. Are you familiar with this phenomenon? Is this quality inherent to some amplifiers or speakers? Can you mention set ups that have these characteristics?

"anechoic" MEANS "no echo". No echo means no reverberations or ambience. Anechoic chambers are built so that the frequency response, efficiency, etc. of a transducer/speaker system might be tested without any room interaction at all. Were you listening in such a room: all you would hear would be the source, and whatever resonances it generated from it's own body.
"Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department"

It is not redundancy, just a bit more intricate details to explore and connecting dots further.

Thanks for clarifying anechoic definition..
>> you live for the hate....<<

Not at all.

Please re-read my earlier post. It was your "hot air" remark which precipitated this exchange. The intitiation was not mine.

However, if you're going to give, be prepared to take and not whine about it.