"Brand New"...I don't think so

What's up with the ads that say in the title "Brand New" and then proceed to show the item on top of the box, obviously opened. Often times it will say only opened to test, or only used a week before I bought another higher priced whatever...etc.
IMO "New" means just that, never opened and especially never hooked up.
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Showing 1 response by darkj

I think Swanny has it right for many of the items like this. In past jobs I've managed dealer networks, and one of the ways that dealers got around my MAP (minimum advertised pricing) was selling new equipment as "open box". I've also bought a PS Audio PowerPlant from a dealer via Audiogon that was clearly sold this way.

On the other hand, I'm sure that there are those who have bought equipment, hated it, and tried to dump it as "new" after a few weeks or months.... as always, Caveat Emptor.