Going back to the mid-90's, I tried balance rings and slip on edge rings that made no discernible difference to me. But then I heard about using a bulk tape eraser. I decided to try it- $20 at Radio Shack, why not? The results blew me away! I liken it to listening with a cartridge set at the wrong tracking force and then correcting it. Amazing but true.
My brother works at the division of Sony that makes CDs, DVDs and blu-ray. He showed me the manufacturing process for CD's years ago. The disc is molded with the pits in place. Then Aluminum is atomically sputtered onto the polycarbonate disc. A second disc is placed over the aluminum and sealed. CDs can last a long time but are not archival. ie. when that seal breaks the Al will corrode. So back up your favored music. He says there is an analog like component to CDs despite being digital. But he wasn't impressed with my bulk tape eraser story- same response as any normal person to our audiophile obsession.
I have been treating my CD's with this bulk tape eraser for the past 14 years now.
My brother works at the division of Sony that makes CDs, DVDs and blu-ray. He showed me the manufacturing process for CD's years ago. The disc is molded with the pits in place. Then Aluminum is atomically sputtered onto the polycarbonate disc. A second disc is placed over the aluminum and sealed. CDs can last a long time but are not archival. ie. when that seal breaks the Al will corrode. So back up your favored music. He says there is an analog like component to CDs despite being digital. But he wasn't impressed with my bulk tape eraser story- same response as any normal person to our audiophile obsession.
I have been treating my CD's with this bulk tape eraser for the past 14 years now.