The West Coast Sound (American Sound) was developed as a response to the motion picture industry. Since sound tracks became part of the motion picture industry there was a demand for efficient systems which could fill large theaters with clear, undistorted and dramatic sound. There were no options but the use of large horn loaded systems. JBL, Altec & Stephens were leaders on the west coast. The East Coast Sound was still dominated by British design speakers or USA manufactures attempting to duplicate the British sound.
"American Sound" Speakers
There's a lot of discussion about and descriptions of the 'British/BBC' sound here, and I'm pretty clear on what that is. As a Rega owner, and fan of Avalon and Harbeth, it's safe to say that this is my preferred sound at my current stage of development.
But what comprises the "American Sound?" What are some example brands or specific speakers that exemplify this sound?
But what comprises the "American Sound?" What are some example brands or specific speakers that exemplify this sound?