Quite a few Bricasti M21 DACs for sale cheap

Retail $16000, now available for $8k-10k. 

I thought they were well regarded. At least its predecessor the M1 was (Stereophile Class A+) and the M21 is supposedly a step up.  I was poised to get one. I'm on pause now.


Showing 1 response by kilkil

To answer the original question, some of these M21 could be floor models/demo units.   And businesses should demo the newest model, with the new screen.  


Anyone that still has the pre-MDx upgrade, it is well worth the money to upgrade it.  Based on my experience of pre-MDx and with the MDx in an M3.  

I currently have an M21 and love it, part of me wants the new display, but without any sonic improvement, i'll hold off.