Quincy Jones Interview


Showing 13 responses by geoffkait

AGREE with respondents that say Paul was the musical force of that group. It's so obvious when one listens to each of their subsequent solo efforts if it wasn't obvious before which it sure was to me. Speaking of their solo efforts, is there one better than the superb first of George Harrison, "All Things Must Pass" the quiet, unsung Beatle, maybe my favorite solo album of any of the Beatles. "Imagine" if you can a more mundane song than that one, never got it maybe someone can clue me in?

Uh, somebody's not paying much attention to the headlines these days.
He was there? You mean it was a threesome with Brando and Richard Pryor? 
Besides everybody and his brother knows Sam Giancana put the hit out on Kennedy. Duh!
Uh, apparently Q hasn’t had much fun. Looks like Marlon Brando was having all the fun.
As I recall the Monkeys, bless their hearts, didn’t play their own instruments so I hardly think you could even call them bad musicians. Hey, hey, we’re the Monkeys, and people say we monkey around, we’re the new generation, but we’re too busy singing to put anybody down. 🐒 🐒 🐒 🐒

Sounds like a movie by collaboration of Oliver Stone and David Lynch.