Quicksilver Linestage Pre-Amplifier

I've had this pre-amp for a little over a year now and am reasonably happy with its sound. Coupled with my B&K amplifier it delivers a good punchy sound to my Vandersteen speakers however I find that it lacks a bit in the sounstage. I have tried moving the speakers around and have put up absorbing panels at the first reflection points and the soundstage is still not what I had hoped for.

My dealer mentioned that I could tweak the sound somewhat by changing tubes so I thought that I would look into this but, being new to tubes, I don't know which ones to go with. What are your recommendations. My pre-amp uses 2 x 12AX7 tubes.


Showing 1 response by mwilson

I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the Quicksilver is not your problem, but your amp might be. I've owned both a Quicksilver preamp and several B&K amps, and the Quicksilver was in a different league than any of the half dozen B&K amps I've owned. Soundstage and spaciousness were not lacking.