Quick speaker review: Ojas DIY kit

Quick notes in case you are wondering about the Ojas speaker kits.  Recently bought the DIY kit from Ojas, the project from Devon Turnbull.  As promised, it was easy to assemble and they sound GREAT.  Shockingly good, no sub needed, reminds me of my 1980’s JBL speakers (these are JBL too I believe).  Made me sell my modded Klipsch Cornwalls (which I loved).  Painted them green, they are my TV/audio system, I’m very happy.


Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

Don't be shy post a pic or two. Show us your handy work.. :-)

Block sanded with spot putty is fine. "I'M" not looking for goodies, I just want to see yours. I'm nosey. :-)
