Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


Showing 22 responses by tkrtrb125

@jji666 It bothers you please do not hurt me. cool Not interested in fighting with you, and you made my point. 

@helomech I did and makes perfect sense no cables, no interconnects, or speaker cables. Just a couple of power cords. Tell me I am wrong? It would be utopia for the Naysayers like yourself? @jasonbourne71 and maybe @abnerjack.

Me I love my expensive cables. 


@stereo5 how about you try it? I was just curious as it seems logical if I were of that mindset. .

@jji666 They sound fantastic, what inspired me was all naysayers who get chirpy on all these cable threads. So with that logic your cables must sound really bad that you responded.


So I will just tune you blokes out now.


@lanx0003 what is expensive for one is just pocket change for others. I am not in either camp and would never own a steampunk amp. 

@deep_333 agree with your first post. Not so much with the second I have had the experience of meeting a few not real smart rich folks. I am sure they inherited their wealth and couple have the fugly steampunk amplifier, it did sound good. Much better than my Bose Wave radio. 

@deep_333 I do not think the person who spends $14K on a PC is plugging it into a Yamaha C5000, just an observation. Maybe the Ture Life Audio TSI-300 @$50K plus, that is more than my first Trailer Home cost. 




@deep_333  I would not buy any of the items. I do not see the value in any of these items. I do think that the people spending $14K on a PC are few and far between and those that are they're plugging it into a much better amplifier than the two you have pictured. Heck the Honda is overpriced too. 

I see your point and I would never spend more than $400.00 on a power cord for my Bose Wave Radio. 

This was an attempt at asking a question and a bit T&C clearly the members here are offended. Please take this thread down as I am the OP. 

Please put down the pitchforks and the torches I will send the monster (thread) to the cable dungeon. 

@robert_1 also consider the fact that these elder statesmen of audio and audio cables have more disposable income, therefore have much nicer hi-fi systems than those 30 and under. More revealing systems not some of the internet/big box lo-fi. You know the stuff the ASR crowd buys. 

@cleeds It was also me being cheeky I was not really serious. I am middle of the road on cables, they should not impede a systems performance, anyway some took it way too serious I see. Now it’s about the Constitution. Yikes I really banged out a doozy.