Quick poll: Most enjoyable audio magazine ?

What is the most enjoyable / entertaining magazine out there in your opinion, the ONE you would by if you did have to pick just one?

Notice that I said ''most enjoyable'', not meaning most accurate.

My pick goes to the UK mag ''what hi-fi'' - very subjective of course, but I like the way they will not hesitate to put an ''avoid'' type of statement and do group testing of components.

That, I find entertaining...

Your choice?

Showing 1 response by azaud

Doesn't it bother you guys to see the full page ad EVERY TIME in Stereophile for the cover story component?
They're like the Bush administration. They don't even TRY to cover up the B.S.
Arthur Salvatore pointed out a while back that there's an unwritten "rule" in the mainstream audio press that they're not to make any direct comparison to another component in the item of review's class. Since I read this three years or so ago, I've been looking for an exception to this "rule", and haven't found ONE.
Where are the "shootouts" that I see in other hobbies' magazines?
Be nice to know what NOT to buy, wouldn't it?