@vonhelmholtz No mate, I’m still around! Actually it has been several months since I started this thread, and I made quite a lot of changes (more like additions) to the system. Now I believe I tuned it to my liking.
As of now, I still have the T+, and these are the changes:
- Adding the Hermes
- Getting 2X Synergistic Research’s Atmosphere X BNC cables to sync the clock with the T+
- Adding an I2S cable - Tubulus Concentus which sounds so so good
- Replacing power cords from wall to isolation transformer, and from isolation transformer to the Hermes DDC, to ones with more agreeable tonality.
- Lastly, adding HifiStay isolation to my streamer / network switch / amplifier / DAC (shown in pic below). I couldn’t believe isolation feet would make such a big difference.
All these costed me around 6 grand but the system now sounds much more to my taste.
EDIT to add that... of course, even without all those changes, putting 200+ hours on it helped smoothen the tonality quite a bit, and two components that made biggest changes are power cord to the DDC and isolation feet to the DAC.