Questions on Overhang/Cartridge Alignment using Dr Feikert Protractor on VPI Classic 3

So I recently bought a used VPI Classic 3 that came with a low hours Soundsmith Zephyr 2 cartridge.

I wanted to make setup as accurate as possible so I bought the Dr Feikert Protractor.
I first make sure that the Spindle to Pivot length was correct which I read online was supposed to be 258mm.

See pic below.

This was measured by taking off the tonearm and measuring exactly from the spindle to the bare sharp point of the unipivot point.
After that was done I mounted the cartridge to the arm and got the step 1 in perfect bullseye.

Step 2 however is where things get off.   I'm coming up about 2 mm long on step 2.

Step 3 is also off as its about 1.25 mm short of the line.

Here is a shot showing approximately the location of all 3 points.

Any ideas on what I can do to fix this where it hits all 3.   I'm at a loss being that the Spindle to Pivot point is right on at the 258mm length which i was told is correct for the VPI Classic tables.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

I never looked at the Feikert closely but the grids are vague. I know the SmarTractor is something like twice as expensive but it is vastly superior and intuitive. I think most of you would not even have to read the instructions. Each alignment has it's own grid and there is a tiny detent where the stylus goes. The surface is mirrored. Seeing the cantilever from all angles is easy. I did not even have to use the magnifier. If you can see through to afford it, it is most definitely worth it. If you change cartridges frequently there is no better way to go.  

Good for you wlutke for figuring it out. It is all about overhang and offset angle.
@chakster, never comment on something you have never used yourself.
I have zero problems with the reflective surface of the SmarTractor. I suspect that is because it is perfectly flat. As for the Feikert I have looked at one closely just never bought one because it is vague and I never thought it was worth the money. It is not a fine tool. For decades I used the DB systems protractor. With some modification it is reasonably accurate and inexpensive.   The SmarTractor is a fine tool and I have used it. I can not imagine anyone doing it any better.