Questions on next steps with my power amp

Hi there, my first time buying new stereo equipment in a while. I bought myself a Outlaw 5.1 channel power amp. I have an old Onkyo integrated amp that does not have outputs to a power amp. So my question if I want to run a turntable, CD player, tape deck and a direct line from a computer to my power amp do I need a pre-amp, DAC or processor or a combination of those components?

I'm looking to spend around $1000 or below but will spend more if need be. Any suggestions on brand/models would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for any help and advice

Showing 7 responses by sftitan

Or would it just be easier if I bought a new intergrated amp that would act as pre-amp/DAC? It's just that I'd rather spend more money to get a better sounding system and more complete setup.
So I guess it may have been a bit naive of me to just buy an amp before thinking through the whole audio strategy but I heard a lot about this Outlaw amp and I have good speakers that I know I want a good power amp to drive so I went ahead and bought it. The tape deck and turntable I inherited from my father who recently passed away along with the Onyko receiver. I knew the receiver was not going to cut it. So I thought a pre-amp would be able to bridge everything but I haven’t been up to date on audio equipment in a while so that’s why I’m asking now. I’m a bit confused on DAC vs Audio Processor vs Pre-amp.

I have the resources to spend more than $1000 on the needed equipment. I just thought a music processor or pre-amp may be able to do most of what I’m looking for. In terms of playing digital music it doesn’t necessarily need to be directly from my computer but could be via my Samsung 10+.

Erik, the 5.1amp is a pure Power amp and not integrated.

Also in terms of the turntable and tape deck, I can buy new ones of each if I have to (ie like if i have to buy a turn table with USB connection). The main thing that’s important to me is that I inherited a huge record and tape collection from my father that means very much to me and I would like to play them. Right now I have my father’s 20 year old components that were good for the time (Denon tape deck and Sony turntable).

Appreciate the help all.
Thank you Miller. So I ended up running just through the Onkyo and the sound is ok. I was able to find an audio out and ran it through the Outlaw Power Amp. The only problem is that I was not able to control the volume through the Onkyo. It was set a certain volume level. Quite high actually. And I couldn't turn it down. Is this normal?

I think I need to buy a new integrated amp or pre-amp to take the place of the old Onkyo. I'm still not clear on what to get. 
Miller and everyone that responded thank you for taking the time. Millercarbon I did order your part just now. I’m very happy to see a part like this can turn my receiver into a pre-amp. We will now see what the speakers sound like with the Outlaw 5000 amp. I would like to ask why you are so negative on the Outlaw amp that I bought (if I can be so direct)? If you take a look at this review it does nothing but praise the amp and that it can drive Status Acoustics 8T speakers very well. I guess I bought the amp on this review and thought I would build the components around the amplifier. I realize this may not be the best strategy but when I read such a strong review I didn’t see that much harm with buying it and then finding the right components to compliment it.

I’m looking forward to getting the LOC and seeing what the amp sounds like.
Thanks Millercarbon. I appreciate what you’ve written. I just received the part you recommended. I will try it out soon. But I did write Outlaw and they will let me return the amp. If I would start over. What components would you recommend? I have some some vintage Klipsch Heresy 2 speakers. I have a Sony turntable I inherited from my dad. I just want a very nice sounding system with power to give full sound. Not loud sound. I remember a long time ago I bought some nice KEF speakers. At the audio place they had them plugged into a McIntosh Amp. It sounded like multiple speakers were turned on. I’ve been chasing that sound. I don’t mind spending if I have to but I also don’t mind saving if a new brand brings amazing sound without the name recognition.
Millercarbon, I just read your post. I need to process it and then read it again, but I think I hear what you're saying. I need to think through even the less sexy components like cables and speaker wire. I didn't know the power cable was that important. I need to read more about it. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and I will let you know what I do. 
Mesch I got the Klipsch for free from a friend. I’ve read they sound very nice. Playing the receiver only with the speakers and TT sounded ok. Nothing amazing nor bad. The turntable isn’t very good so I’m really open to building a whole new system from scratch.

I used to be into stereos as a teenager and early 20s. Obviously couldn’t afford a lot but I read a lot and knew all the brands. Had friends with nice systems so I car in contact with high fidelity. I knew all about wiring. Obviously things have changed but the basics stay the same. Always thought with a power amp you get a preamp and tuner, CD, tape, etc. What I don’t know a lot about is DACs and sound processors.