Questions for specialists on “warmth”

I have heard sound from speakers that are more neutral and detailed in texture and focus the presence of all frequencies, sound that captured air resonance and produced a holographic image, but I doubt that’s what warmth is.

It seems to me that “warmth” is manipulated by engineering.
What is the purpose of “warmth”?
Does it actually exists or is it in imagination, or is it given a phony name (resonating warmer air?) in result I couldn’t link what I heard to “warmth”.

Sorry for the many questions below, without evidence of existence of this “warmth”, I get that feeling somebody is telling me the earth is flat whenever they mention “warmth”.

Maybe it is more psychological, is it then related to the release of a certain type of chemical in the body?

I had thought that maybe warmth means organic. If that’s true, is warmth created with possible ways to give the listener organic illusions? If that’s true, can the sound become too warm that it becomes hot; or too organic that it makes the actually sound we hear in our daily lives in comparison cold, is that good for one’s marriage?

What are the differences between warm and cold, can any expert give some generalization of the technical differences that sets them apart? Are the sound manipulated, how?

How can warmth be created from the play back perspective?
With what material, why
With what construction, why
Why and what done in digital processing; AD (analogy to digital) and DA
Are they then best to be construction with organic material?

Showing 2 responses by trackmango

In conclusion: those who few spend $$$ on tubes solely to achieve warm sound, could get an EQ and manipulate how much warmth they want, if any, without losing speed nor response time.

Id think two speakers both flat in response will differ in sound coloring (changing the texture of the sound) and response time (whether if they can delivery the resonance with no delay and stops the exact instant after delivery).

I will only try to describe fidelity in recording and playback in theory.

Imagine there is a piano between you speakers, and a mic approximately where your two ears will be. When the recording is finished, you sit in your chair and your speaker plays the recording, and it is exactly what you would have heard if you were in the chair when the piano was been played.

If through engineering, the sound can be replayed elsewhere from where the recording was done and achieves this type of fidelity, then it is fidelity in neither recording nor play back, but fidelity through sound engineering, which is heavily limited by the laws of physics (Beethoven’s 9th in a bathroom).
I am in no way new to music, but I am no specialist, I have done recording and editing with Digidesign and Pro tools, Ive worked with violins, pianos and many synthesizers. And in production, I have not heard people use the word “warmth” except talking about lunch meals, neither have I in recording.

Please in no way feel that I am criticizing, I buy silver cables such as AQ sky and Nordost Valhalla and I am in the market for a Meridian 808, and I feel that they are worth every penny.

Tube owners often talk about warmth and none described clearly what it is and what it’s purpose is. The purpose for this tread is to clarify what is “warmth” as titled, and that when we talk about warmth we are not on a different page, referring to different things or things in one’s imagination, to not discuss purposelessly or unconstructively.

If warmth is as you had described, would one be able to get warmth out of any speaker with by filtering the signal through a good EQ? Does warmth differ in fidelity (between the warmth on a JBL or on a B&W?)

The tread asked a question and what was your point?
If you know well that everything is manipulated, would you care to explain how it is manipulated by answer any of my questions, such as, what is the purpose of warmth and how it is different from cold, to people psychologically or in technical terms of sonic.