Questions about the McIntosh C2300

A few question about this pre-amp. How new is it? When was it introduced? What feature does the phono stage have? Can you change gain etc on the fly while listening? How does it compare to others at this price level? I have Aesthetix Calypso/Rhea (original). Does the McIntosh improve with tube rolling?? If so....any suggestions?

Thanks all

Rick (RWD)

Showing 1 response by stiltskin

Rick I find this McIntosh preamp a real pleasure to use along with great looks to match.

Downunder nailed the discription of this American built beauty with his brief comments above.

I agree, not your typical sounding tube design, really no character or imposed sound of it's own so yes quite neutral and VERY quiet.

Built quality along with fit and finish is superb in typical McIntosh fashion.
You will find this preamp a top contender for what it sells for and most definitely the 2300 should be on your short list.