Questions About CAT JC-2

Those of you who know this amp can perhaps answer some of these questions:

1) What is the input impendance (not listed on CAT's website). Is it compatable with long IC cable runs?

2) I hear that tube biasing is for each channel at a time, rather than for individual tubes. Is that correct (bias all 8 tubes together). Does that mean you have to stick to sets of 8 matched tubes? If one blows, do you typically end up replacing all 8, or can you just replace the one?

3) Does it work with other tubes besides 6550's like KT-88's and KT-90's. What tubes do people have the most success with?

4) I'm looking at an earlier JC-2, not the signature version. I realize there have been steps along this amp's evolution. This one atleast has the 10 resistors rather than the 6, so is less susceptable to blowing out. In general, how quiet is this generation JC-2?

5) I'd be using this with Avalon Indras. I've heard that the CAT is a good match with Avalons. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks, Peter

Showing 1 response by schipo

I believe you might just find info about the Cat amp on the Arthur Salvatore site.If the info your looking for is not there give him an email.