Questionable service at Soundsmith

I sent my Benz Micro for a re-tipping.  After they received my cartridge I get an email on how to check status of the job.  Their website tells you retipping takes 8 - 14 weeks.  Well that came and went, I did not hear anything.  I checked the status now and then, nada.  I started to worry because it's been about a year now.  Finally, I decided to give them a call and find out what is going on.  In my mind, I'm thinking, have they lost my cartridge?  Did they misplace it?  What?  I couldn't get through, goes straight to voicemail every time.  So I decided to email an address I got from their website to ask for help.  I got a response that it will be done soon, they are really back logged.  An hour later, I get another email from another person saying it was done and ready to ship.  What?!  Did they just do a rush job on my cartridge?  Because I started to complain?  That they've had my cartridge laying around for about a year!  And here's the kicker, please pay $450 for the retipping.  Nice.  

Showing 3 responses by tzh21y

I am surprised he did not contact you to discuss what was going on with your cartridge.
I think you went to the right guy.  Geez, a year?  I recently sent my cartridge.  Hope it does not take a year.  I think you had it done by one of the best.  I doubt he would ever jeopardize his reputation.  He probably felt really terrible about the mix up and did it pronto.
I was told right up front 16 weeks.  I am OK with it and I know my Benz ref s will be as good as new when I receive it.  Hang in there Peter,  my thoughts are with you and your family.