Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?

I have a friend who is interested in putting together a system and am putting together a little guide for him, compiling information I’ve found over the years, plus some of my own personal tips and tricks. However, I am by no means the end-all-be-all of knowledge and want to incorporate information, tips, and tricks from the community - however basic they may seem - into a nice reference resource.

Without specifically naming any pieces of gear or brands (this isn’t a product recommendation question), what are some of the biggest tips, tricks, important pieces of info to keep in mind, caveats, etc. that you would have for someone new?

*side note - hopefully this post can also serve as a nice reference point for people in the future, as well!


Showing 1 response by jw944ts

It is fascinating psychology to see so many rationalize the way they did things or what they purchased/own as the best. It is the rare post of someone admitting error, or ignorance .  I personally believe that everything matters, but certainly not of equal amounts. Also no doubt there are diminishing returns.  IMHO, items that make the biggest impact on perceived sound are the room and electromechanical devices, ie, speakers and phono cartridges. And balance/synergy…any complex system can only be as good as it’s weakest link.