Question on Luxman L-AX550ii balanced inputs

Hi all.

I've been googling like crazy all day, and I cannot seem to find an answer to this simple question.

What is the MAX input voltage that the balanced inputs on the L-550AXii can handle? (Ok, maybe not simple.)

I'm looking at a source that puts out 5.8 volts max, and I'm concerned that that might be bad for the amp.

I've written Luxman, but I don't know how soon they'll get back to me, and I'd really like an answer.



I have a CL-38u preamp with balanced inputs and the instructions indicate the maximum input voltage is 2.5 V.

I was told that this input was designed for use with a Luxman CD player.

I think you can use other input devices, but the output needs to be 2.5 v max, otherwise the input will be overdriven resulting in distorted sound



@nwres the source component (that I'm only considering at this point) is a Holo Audio Spring 3.

@jperry 2.5V max? I was under the impression that the output on most modern balanced outputs was 4.0V. Is it a different case for tube amps than it is for solid state amps?

Go to this page, and at the bottom there is a button to download "catalog".

Then go to the specifications for the Luxman CL-38uC and read footnote 2.

I was unable to post a direct link to the "catalog' in pdf

Have a great day.

Jim Perry

Hey @jperry -- I did already see that, and I read the footnote. I wasn't saying I didn't believe you. I was trying to say that it seems that having such a low max voltage on the balanced input seems (to me) as if it's making the amp operate under a handicap.

I'm really new to the whole balanced input/output thing and there seems to be more to it than "hey, just plug it in."

Thanks @dasherma

As I said I think it is to pair with the Luxman CD players. If you look their out put voltage is 2.5 V