Question on Gallo Reference 3.5

I am currently using a Bryston 4B sst amp to power my Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers (along with Gallo's Reference SA sub amp). It sounds good, but I'm wondering if a little more power beyond the 4B's 300 wpc into 8 ohms wouldn't sound even better, so I was considering a pair of Bryston 7B SST or SST2's. The Gallo specs say "Power Handling 350 watts RMS". has anyone put a larger amp like the 7B, at 600 wpc, into the Gallos? Will that work?

Showing 1 response by nightfall

You have more than enough power now, more is not going to help. I suspect that what you are beng limited by is the Bryston. Those are phenomenally well made amplifiers, and with an amazing warranty, but they are a bit sterile, in my experience.

Listen to ZD, something like a BAT VK75SE, or Pass 60.5's would offer a lot more for your solution.