Question on FR 66s

For some reason, search on FR 66s in agon did not turn up anything much. I recalled that recommended S2P distance is 296mm rather than 295mm and Stevenson geometry seems to work best. Is this correct? I already have FR 64s which works very nicely with Koetsu. In general, does FR 66s works well with the more modern cartridges, Lyra, Air Tight, Dynavector etc.
I am kind of curious to try it but not sure what to try it with. Beside those mentioned on my system page, I have Kiseki Blue, XV-1s and Miyajima Zero on hand currently.

Thanks for any suggestion.

Showing 9 responses by pani

Halcro, one of the reasons why the Graham has been highly touted is it is a well built unipivot and has a tremendous speed and transient response. Did you miss any of that in the FR64s ?
Thanks Halcro.
At present I use two unipivots, Naim ARO and 47 Labs RS-A1. Both are very fast and open sounding tonearms. I will now try out a FR64s and possibly report back on this same thread.
Thanks Halcro for the description. I should start hunting for an FR then :-).

I currently use a Naim ARO on a Verdier which is nice, a second tonearm like the FR64s should complete the story.
Syntax, dont you think the effective mass of the tonearm also plays an important role on the sonics given the compliance of the cartridges ? Is it good to use a cartridge with compliance of 15 on a tonearm with 30gram effective mass ?
Talking about high quality vintage arms, has anyone heard a Ortofon RMG 309 tonearm ? Are they comparable to the modern tonearms ?
Thanks for the information. It is interesting to know that the FR64/66 can handle such a wide range of cartridges. However, can someone also say a few words about their sonic attributes ? How they sound like in general ? Since it is a vintage tonearm it does not have any reviews published on the internet. Only experienced users can give some idea on its sonics. In fact it will be interesting to know how it sounds compared to a Graham Phantom or SME V. Anyone please ?
Since we are at it. Can anyone advise whether the FR64s and FR64fx are both equally good or is one superior to the other ?
Another question, is it worth buying the original FR headshell along with the tonearm, I ask this because the headshell costs about $200 and for that money there are other headshells to consider as well.
Dear Nandric, while philosophy is one of my favourite topics, the above post was not in that direction though. There is at the moment an FR64s and FR64fx on ebay and the seller is asking additional $200 for the original headshell. I am considering buying one of these hence my questions followed.