Question on Denon DL-103 retipping options and preferences

I have been looking at getting a Denon DL-103 retipped and I have narrowed it down to getting it done by Steve at VAS or by Andy at Needle Clinic. 

Both companies approach to the DL-103 is very different and I am curious if anyone has heard cartridges from each or what you think that may be better for amazing sounding rock.

Steve recommends a wood housing and then will do a Boron/MR retipping, where Andy will modify the plastic housing on the DL-103 to convert it's enclosed outer body to a half nude body, lightening it up which he says will make it track better.  His conversion will be a micro ridge nude stylus (sapphire/boron cantilever) 

So as stated very different approaches, same cost for the most part, I have ruled Soundsmith out just based on time, I know Andy turns around in a day, but have read a lot about both so I figured I would ask the question to see where people lean more often.  I do already have an ebony housing, just want to get a cartridge that punches way above its weight.

If there is something I should look at outside the DL-103 I would be open to hear about it.

Just for the record this cartridge will be going on a SOTA Sapphire VI with an Audiomods series 6 tonearm and I have a McIntosh MP100 going to a tube rolled Schiit Freya+ driving by two Odyssey Kismet monoblocks and Martin Logan speakers.  

Showing 1 response by tkr


I think that your approach makes perfect sense. A good way to get into the world of MCs is to do what you are doing.

Please don`t let yourself get discouraged by some of the answers here.

I have two retipped/recantilevered/modified DL 103s. Both sound different from the stock 103, and both sound better, IMO. One retipper who hasn`t been mentioned in this thread yet is a guy who calls himself Needlestein. You might google him. He works fast, and his prices are fair.

Regards tkr