Question from a Poor Pass owner

I am thrilled (finally) with my Aleph-3.It sounds like a different amp after its been on for a couple days.I want to leave it on 24/7 but since Im a working stiff and could hardly afford this amp to begin with,Im concerned about my electric bills going through the roof.The amp sucks 250 watts at all times.Could anyone make an educated guess what it would cost to keep it on all the time?

Showing 1 response by sean

I have had at least 5 ( that i can remember ) different amps that Nelson designed and thought that, like most other SS amps, they sounded best after being on for at least 24 hours. While none of these were from the current Aleph line, i can't see them being TOTALLY different from every other SS amp that i've ever owned. Out of the 5 that he designed, i would say that 4 of them were excellent. One of them was for another company other than his own production and it was NOTHING like his other amps. To be quite frank, it sucked pretty badly. It makes me wonder how closely they actually reproduced what was in his original design and what they "took liberties" with in terms of "minor production changes". Sean >