Question from a Poor Pass owner

I am thrilled (finally) with my Aleph-3.It sounds like a different amp after its been on for a couple days.I want to leave it on 24/7 but since Im a working stiff and could hardly afford this amp to begin with,Im concerned about my electric bills going through the roof.The amp sucks 250 watts at all times.Could anyone make an educated guess what it would cost to keep it on all the time?

Showing 1 response by ezmeralda11

Actually, I believe a light bulb uses the same amount of electricity in the initial turn on as it does just to run for 30 minutes. So you actually waste more electricity turning the lights on and off everytime you leave the room, (depending upon how often you go in and out of course). Not to mention the initial surge of electricity places stress on the tungsten filament shortening its life meaning you'll go through more bulbs too. (I'm not as sure on flourescents). So leaving the lights on can be a good thing.