Question for Velvet Underground fans

Heard a VU tune on the radio today, but i didn't know it was VU. Sounded like a current band trying to cover early Lou Reed, but with a more "modern" yet "retro" sound. As such, i was kind of shocked to find out it really was Lou Reed / VU and that the music had held up as well as it did.

Now that that part is over with, the tune kept repeating something about being 5 years old, etc... What is the name of this tune and what album is it on ? Is this a good album to become familiarized with VU recordings or should i start somewhere else ? I prefer NOT to buy "greatest hits" as it seems like you miss so much of the band by not hearing the "less popular" stuff. For those that have both, do VU recordings sound better on LP or vinyl ? Sean

Showing 1 response by madhf

I agree the VU put out some great stuff. Also you have to consider Lou Reed's solo "New york" awsome! Little advertising here--I have extra sealed copies of VU & Nico and "White Light White Heat" on MFSL cd. Will sell both for $70.
PS. My previous post-My problem with sacd signal strength thru the Lexicon was the Ic. Why DVD -A worked and sacd didn't is a mystery! But using another cable has solved the problem. The result is great sound.