Question for Tragically Hip fans

I found there cd titled "Up to Here" several years ago and love every song on it. Recently I've picked up their latest titled "in Violet Light". These have a totally different sound, doesn't even sound like the same band to me. The "Violet Light" cd is a far more mellow sound. I prefer the rock sound of "Up to Here". Do any of you know if any of there other cd's sound similar to the "Hip" tunes I am used to? Maybe even where to get them, they are hard to come by.

Showing 1 response by daveherm69

The Hip's first four Albums are their best, but without a doubt they pale to a live Hip concert.The band is absolutely at their best.The energy is scarey. You MUST see them live to appreciate their power.Best Songs? Three way tie.
1.New Orleans is Sinking.
2.Fifty Mission Cap
3. At the Hundreth Meridian.