Question for Rowland aficionados

I've been playing with an old Rowland Model One. In my system, it sounds dark and closed in on top, a bit grainy, but it also reproduces the most extraordinary intrumental tone, so lifelike that it oftens fools me in the "that sounds just like a real saxophone" way. My Pass 150 never does this, nor does my CJ 11a (to the same extent that the Rowland does). This could be just great system synergy that's going on, but I'm betting it's a characteristic of the Rowland.

So here's my question: is this a quality of other Rowland amps? As the line has evolved since the Model One, how has the sound changed? I want that lifelike tone with, of course, a bit more extension on top and so forth.

I might as well also ask: which other amplifiers (other brands) do you think can deliver this uncanny lifelike quality?

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Showing 1 response by gingko

I am a fan of Rowland stuff. Currently using a pair of Model 3 monos, and a Consonance preamp in my system. Yes it sounds very natural, a Rowland signature. It may not jump out at you like some other amps would at first impression but it's a sound that will only grow on you. I belong to a local audio society and have many opportunities to listen to other "very expensive" systems, but always have found that I much prefer the naturalness of my system. If you like to listen to music rather than sounds, you can't go wrong with Rowland. Another thing, they have excellent service. I sent it my preamp when it has a minor problem (I bought it used) and Jeff Rowland worked on it himself. He even spent time trouble-shooting with me on the phone, and when it was in for service, upgraded it to current specs for a very minimal charge. Great folks to deal with.