Question for Rega Arm and Mint Tractor Owner

I'm awaiting my second mint tractor. This one for a rega arm. But I'm going to get the arm well ahead of the tractor and I'd like to get it up and running to give it a test drive first. I'd like to know where the stylus ends up relative to the front of the arms headshell when setup using this tractor. Is the stylus right even with the front edge of the rega headshell? If I can get that and decent alignment that will do me until I get my own.

Showing 1 response by sunnyboy1956

Set up your cartridge with the supplied Rega protractor and later tweak to perfection when the Mint arrives. Incidentally, I found the optimal cart alignment to be identical for a Rega RB 1000 using the Mint LP and the Rega tool. Except, I could not have discovered this without the MintLP !!