Question for recording artist/engineers

Let's say you have a jazz band who wants to sell cds of their music with the best quality of sound they can achieve at the lowest out-sourced cost or do-it-yourself. If one wants to do a just-in-time type of manufacturing of their cd, how can they improve things?

Currently they are recording at 48k in Pro-tools, mastered in Sonic Solutions by Air Show Mastering, and then they use top of the line cds (Taiyo Yuden) with a Microboards Orbit II Duplicator. This has produced average cds but we want to do better.

What would you engineers do to improve this so it gets closer to audiophile quality? Would you recommend using a different mastering house, different cds, or a different Duplicator? Or would you just bite the money bullet and go directly to a full-scale manufacturer? We are trying not to have that much money tied up in inventory.

If this is the wrong place to post this question, please suggest another message board to post.

Thank you for your feedback and assistance.

Showing 1 response by barz1114

Check out Mapleshade records and the way Pierre Sprey records the artists on his label. These recordings are the most dynamic, exciting recordings I have ever heard, and I collect DCC Gold discs, MFSL Gold Discs, Sheffield Labs, AudioQuest, Reference Recordings, and, now, Super Audio and DVD-Audio. The Mapleshade recordings just kill them all. Whatever Pierre is doing is the RIGHT thing to do. I know it is live-to-two-track, but there is way more to his methods. He uses custom made gear and cables, as well as gear he modified. You just need to listen to hear that his way is better. I have purchased about half of his catalog. There are many titles that I would have not purchased, were it not for the fact that they were on Mapleshade. So, do what he is doing and you will sound real and dynamic!