Question for Platter spinners regarding IC

I am currently using an AQ Wildcat phono IC between my VPI Prime and Rogue Pharaoh Integrated.  I am interested in advice and opinions of installing an AQ Columbia IC in its place but cannot find any information regarding specs for either cable on AQ site or anywhere else. Nothing on capacitance, inductance etc. I realize I'll have to run a seperate ground using the Columbia. Does anyone have specs for both ICs or know where to find them. What may be a concern or blessing using a regular IC in place of a Phono IC? Any input is appreciated. 

Showing 5 responses by gillatgh

Thanks for the reply. Already have the AQ Columbia in hand and wanted to know if anyone had tried it and to get their opinions. Would it do anything detrimental, other than SQ, to give it a try? Running a Ortophone 2m Black right now on the table. Down sized components and the Columbia was a very nice connection from my ex CDP to the Rougue. 
Thank you for your input. I called AQ but was on hold for quite a while before I gave up. I'll ask them via email next. Maybe I'll get a reply. I'm leaning on trying it and see how things go. It's an easy IC swap. I can always revert to what I have now. 
So I connected the Columbia's and auditioned for about 4 hours playing a variety of genres. Result is still inconclusive but the initial feeling is that the Columbia cable may have introduced a bit of sibilance. Further listening is warranted.
Overall impression is that the Columbia works very well as a Phono interconnect in MY system. It was an improvement over the entry level Wildcat cable without a doubt. 
Cartridge is MM Ortophone 2m black, yesterday's listening session was enlightening.  It was obvious immediately that the Wildcat was lacking in some aspects. Sounded a little colder or duller, not really sure what to call it. The Columbia was more lively and open but also imparted a perceived sibilance, especially noticeable on older 1970s albums. 180g reissues were less noticeable. I'll play with the cables for a while and in the meantime shop around for a better phono interconnect at reasonable cost. 
After this little experiment I'd  be interested to hear recommendations of ICs to try from the community