Question for Pass Xono owners

What tables,arms, & cartridges have you used and which seemed to do the best when using the Xono phonostage. Anyone using the Dynavectors?

An Xono has been in my system almost two years and used with a Grado Sonata and a Shelter 901 on an SME V. Most of that time the TT was a Teres 255, then recently upgraded to a 320. The Xono is my only piece of solid state gear in the analog chain.

I'm in the market for a new MC cartridge, with Dynavector and Transfiguration among my choices. The Xono is so flexible in gain and impedance loading that I do not consider it, from the spec angle, to be a limitation against almost any choice. In terms of an overall balance of sonic virtures the Xono is, imo, a solid choice in the sub-$3k category - it should work well with a variety of cartridges. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you have specific questions.
